
Pre-made themes

Building your own theme

The file structure

├── build.js
├── includes
│   ├── footer.ejs
│   ├── head.ejs
│   └── header.ejs
├── layouts
│   ├── home.ejs
│   └── post.ejs
├── static
│   ├── logomark.png
│   ├── logomark_sm.png
│   └── search_data.json
└── styles
    └── main.less
  • build.js custom build commands. Your custom code will be executed on npm run build
  • includes/ where you should put files you are including (template head, headers, footers, and anything else).
  • layouts/ where you should put template files. Follow naming scheme layout-name.ejs, where layout-name is what you specified in the layout attribute in your document’s frontmatter.
  • static anything static in your project. Images, imported stylesheets (like bootstrap), necessary javascript files, or data files should be here. This folder is automatically copied to assets/static/ for use in your templates.
  • styles/ should include only main.less. Right now, there is not support for includes, and the stylesheet must always be less.


Alchemy will pass a set of variables to your templates that you can use with ejs syntax.

  • Frontmatter from each file (the yaml content specified between the ---'s in the top of the markdown) is passed as page and is used as a Javascript Object.

  • All variables from config.yaml will be passed as the site variable and can be used as a Javascript Object.

  • The parsed markdown content in the file will be passed as the content variable and is a Javascript string.

  • The path variable is the relative path of the current page (ending in .html). Path is a string

  • The filemap variable is an array of every page in a site. It is an array of objects. Each object follows the following syntax:

  fname: 'The name of the file',
  mdpath: 'Path to the markdown source for this page',
  path: 'HTML path of the current page',
  frontmatter: {} // Parsed frontmatter from page

If you are confused about a variable or struggling to implement it, we recommend printing the JSON to the page:

<p><%- JSON.stringify(page) %></p> <!-- or site, content, path, or filemap -->


For an example, let’s create a super-simple blog theme.

Create the file structure following the tree diagram:

├── app.js
├── config.yaml
├── package.json
├── posts
│   └──
└── theme
    ├── includes
    │   ├── footer.ejs
    │   ├── head.ejs
    │   └── header.ejs
    ├── layouts
    │   ├── home.ejs
    │   └── post.ejs
    ├── static
    │   └── logomark.png
    └── styles
        └── main.less

Create the config.yaml

In config.yaml, paste and edit the following markdown:

# Path to your site (if it is in a subfolder of your server)
root: ''

# Your information:
  name: Jack Crane

Create a post (for testing)

In posts/, paste the following markdown:

layout: post
title: Post Title

# Hello World Blog post

This is a blog post

Create the post layout

Copy and paste the following code into layouts/post.ejs:

    <title><%- page.title %></title>
    <%- content %>
    <a href="mailto:<%- %>">Email me</a>